Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Dusty Laptop

Yesterday my Windows 8 laptop hasn't been able to run certain games on it properly. Every now and then it would have a thermal shutdown during the game, which as you can probably imagine was quite annoying. No matter how much I would try to adjust my laptop's settings to prevent this from occurring, it still happens regardless. I was getting frustrated and I needed a solution.

Dust in a laptop
I looked into the problem, and found out what was causing the problem. This was being caused by dust that has been building up inside of my laptop. In order to fix it, first I must open up my computer and then I'll have to air it out with a can of compressed air. I'll need to make sure I blow all of the dust out of my laptop as instructed by and online service manual. The sooner I get this dust out the better, because then I can finally play my new Steam game Saints Row IV without any more pesky interruptions. That will be a time of celebration.

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